by Gregorio V. Bituin Jr.
Many people thought that I am a rebel. That I am against the government. But they said, why will I rebel against the government? I said, I am not a rebel. I'm an activist, but more than that, I'm a revolutionary.
But most of the times, they didn't understand. As long as they see me in television with other rallyists, they always thought I'm a rebel. My friends, my former classmates in the elementary and high school, my former teachers. As they read my articles and my blog entries, such as poems and essays, they firmly believed that I am a rebel.
If you join a rally, are you a rebel? No! Does having dissenting opinion make you a rebel? No! It is our right to dissent, but dissent is not rebellion.
They ask me, why do I rebel? My mother once said that I should not rebel against the government because the food we eat and the money they gave me when I'm still with them are from the government. Both my parents worked with the government. My mother still works but my father has retired a couple of years ago.
Am I really a rebel? In the context of rebellion against the government, no, I'm not a rebel. I did not rebel because I was a victim of repression, or injustices. But I'm proud to say I'm a revolutionary.
Rebels and revolutionaries look like the same, but they are not. Both are working against the government, or the status quo, but they have different reasons. Rebels are those who became victims of injustices and join a rebel group to fight and get what is due for them. If they already get what they want, they will stop their rebellion. If they get the land they want, they will stop. If the criminals who did them injustice were brought to jail, they will discontinue to rebel.
But revolutionary is different. They studied the system itself. They read and absorbed wholeheartedly the theory of revolution. Most of the activists we know became revolutionary, join rallies, write dissenting opinions on different issues affecting the masses, most especially the working class. They believe that there is another world to win, unlike the present system that divides the people into classes, there are few billionaires compared to billions languishing in poverty. I want to contribute my self, my talent, and sacrifices to make this world a better place, to make this world having respect to human rights, to workers rights, to women's rights, to child's rights, where everybody is enjoying our right to live peacefully and happy. I want to change the world not because I am angry with the present system. I want to change the world because of concern to the welfare and well-being of our fellow human being, regardless of race, or any type of distinction. My life is the best I can give to make this dream come true.
I became a revolutionary because that's my choice, and I want to die serving the people and the revolution I'm embraced. I may not see in my lifetime the system change I am longing for, but I know that I am contributing something to advance our noble cause.